ChatGPT in Action: The Ultimate Collection of Prompts (Most Comprehensive and Up-to-Date)

In the rapid development of artificial intelligence, GPTs (Generative Pre-trained Transformers) have become a focal point in the tech industry. Recently, a unique project has captured people's attention: a repository dedicated to collecting prompts leaked by GPTs. These prompts not only showcase how AI handles various requests but also stimulate users' creative thinking.

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OpenAI变革: 萨姆·奥尔特曼复职与人工智能未来之战


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OpenAI新任董事会成员是谁,萨姆·奥特曼(Sam Altman)何时回归?

OpenAI表示,前Salesforce联合CEO布雷特·泰勒(Bret Taylor)和前美国财政部长拉里·萨默斯(Larry Summers),以及Quora首席执行官兼现任董事亚当·安杰洛(Adam D'Angelo)将加入董事会。

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OpenAI 研究人员在 CEO 下台前警告董事会人工智能的危险

两位知情人士告诉声称,在 OpenAI 首席执行官萨姆·奥尔特曼流亡四天之前,几位研究人员给董事会写了一封信,警告一项强大的人工智能发现,他们称这一发现可能威胁人类。

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